Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Stealing from Heidi...

and omitting those that are N/A.

G E N E R A L«
.01. ] Name: Richelle
02. ] Gender: Female.
03. ] Location: Utah
04. ] Height: 5'3"
05. ] Hair color: blonde
06. ] Eye color: blue
07. ] Is your hair long or short: medium

S C H O O L«. N/A !!!

F A V O U R I T E «.
13. ] Number: 7
14. ] Clothing brand:
15. ] Tv show: Desperate Housewives, Friends, Simpsons.
16. ] Fruit: banana
17. ] Movie: Love Actually
18. ] Scent: freshly washed boy.
19. ] Ice cream flavor: Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
20. ] Color: green
21. ] Season: depends...if it's summer, I want winter, and vice versa.
22. ] Holiday: anything where I don't have to work
23. ] Thing in your room: bed, I guess. There isn't much else in there.
24. ] Books: Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, several John Steinbeck...
25. ] TV channel: NBC
26. ] Shape: that thing that has 4 sides, but the top is shorter than the bottom
27. ] Time: whatever time work ends.
28. ] State: Uh....Utah I guess. DC isn't technically a state, but it's the one I had the most fun in.
29. ] Boys name: Matthew
30. ] Girls name: Kate, Kaitlynn
31. ] Disney character: Simba

T H I S O R T H A T«
.33. ] Hot or cold: Hot.
34. ] Winter or summer: Summer
.35. ] Spring or fall: fall
36. ] Shakira or Britney: uhh....
37. ] MTV or VH1: VH1.
38. ] Rollarblading or skateboarding: skateboarding
40. ] Orange or red: red
41. ] Yellow or green: green.
42. ] purple or pink: purple
43. ] Cell phone or pager: Cell.
44. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Charlie's Angels...I had a male roommate obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls.
45. ] Scooby doo or Dino: Dino

Y E S-O R-N O«.
46. ] Are you a vegetarian: no!
47. ] Do you like cows: totally
48. ] Are you a fun person: I like to think so, others may not agree
49. ] Are you artistic: pfft!
50. ] Do you write poetry: again...pfft!
51. ] Can you ski: nope
52. ] Are you British: anglophile at heart, does that count?
53. ] Are you straight: pretty sure.
54. ] Are you evil: once in a while
55. ] Is Britney a whore: only she knows for certain...
56. ] Are you secretly from another planet: I suppose, most people consider Canada pretty out there.

P E R S O N A L «.
57. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: nope
58. ] Do you have a crush: see above
59. ] Do you love anyone right now: too many to mention, but I'm sure that's not what it's asking.
60. ] Have you ever been in love: yes
61. ] Do you go by looks or personality: who are we kidding? looks draw you in.
62. ] Do you smoke: second hand.
63. ] Do you smoke weed: unless second hand counts, no. I've smoked a hell of a lot of second hand though.
64. ] Crack, heroin, anything else: no
65. ] Beer good or beer bad: beer GOOD
66. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: malt beverages, not wine coolers.

T H E L A S T «.
67. ] Thing you ate: bread
68. ] Thing you drank: juice
69. ] Place you went: shopko
70. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: Ear and belly button. I did see a man at Walmart last week with a tattoo on his earlobe. That was wierd.
72. ] Person you instant messaged: it's been so long, I don't remember. Probably Jenn.
73. ] Person you laughed with: Emily

N O W «
.74. ] What are you eating: Nothing,.
75. ] What are you wearing: shorts and sweatshirt.
76. ] Any shoes on: bare feet
77. ] Hair: down, it's been up all damn day
78. ] Listening to: CD made by a friend

O P I N I O N S «
.79. ] Gay Marriage: PRO..
80. ] Abortion: pro choice
81. ] Alcohol & Drugs: alcohol in moderation, drugs never.
82. ] Pre-marital Sex: depends, I suppose


Blogger Jenn said...

Anglophile at heart... I knew I loved you!!! And DC is my favorite too!

7:24 AM  

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