Monday, October 31, 2005

Believe it or not, it's not a Euro-tastic post!

It's days like today that make me really appreciate my job. It was the last day for one of my kids. His mom came up to me as she dropped him off and thanked me for being so wonderful and caring so much for her son. She hugged me twice and told me I'd go far in life, no matter what I decided to do. When the boy's father came to pick him up, he thanked me too, and asked if I was ever interested in babysitting, they would love to have me, as I am the only one, besides family members, they trust enough to leave their boys with. It was so sweet! It's hard to believe that he's only been with us a year; he's grown up so much. He used to scream and cry when I left the room, and now he was in another teacher's class, and loves to run and play with the other kids.


Blogger Jenn said...

Yeah that's the best part about other people's kids. You get to send them home.

6:18 AM  
Blogger Human said...

At first I didn't believe it. rubbed my eyes though and took a look again:)
Appreciation is a great feeling. Thanks for sharing.Peace.

2:14 PM  

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