Sunday, October 15, 2006

My personal saviour, as Jenn calls him, actually called me this week. I was floored. After being virtually ignored for several weeks by all those who want to save me, I hear from 3 people. Huh. And here I was thinking that they had all give up. AND he called this morning while I was on my way to the other church I've been attending, to offer me a ride to church with him. He still wants to bring me back to the fold so to speak it seems.


I went to the Tavernacle last night, and got pretty drunk in just under an hour. I'm both a little proud and a little ashamed at that. On the upside, my friend Jason knows all the hottest guys on earth, and brought one with him last night. I think I told him he was cute twice. He told me to chug it like a man when I started drinking my beer with a straw. I didn't, but I still win, I finished it with the straw faster than he finished his. Can someone explain to me why I can down a shot and have the glass back on the table before the tableful of guys I was with had even drained their glasses?


Blogger Richelle said...

I got drunk with people from church!!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Now THATS my kind of church!

10:12 PM  

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