Wednesday, January 26, 2005

So my phone rang after dinner tonight. Not odd sounding right? Other than the fact that it was my land line, not the cell, it WAS normal. Including the part where it was obviously was a wrong number. What kept me listening though, was that it was a collect call from a man named Justin. The prerecorded voice came on, and told me that it would cost so much to accept, but then, it said, because it was a call from a correctional institution it would be recorded! If I didn't want to accept, to hang up now. Needless to say, I hung up the phone as if the prisoner was outside the door!!

I saw The Aviator this afternoon. Much better movie than Birth. Hell of a long one though! Nearly 3 hours!!! I can see now why Leonardo DiCaprio was nominated for best actor. He gets naked in this one...a few years too late for my teenage crush though.


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