Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Blogger is retarded!!

I blogged like 2 weeks ago, and it didn't show up. Today, I go to add another, and there it is, posted twice. Well, kind of. I could see it twice, but it didn't show on the blog itself. Nuts. (see blog below.)

I went to the dentist today...for like the first time in 10 years. Seriously. I had very low expectiations going in. I really thought I would have at least 10 cavities, need all sorts of work done, etc. In reality, there are only 7 to fill, a few that will be watched, but most likely can be reversed with regular floride treatments, and I had rather low tartar build up, thanks to daily flossing. The bad news...I no longer have insurance, so I'll be paying money that I don't have for a very long time. Oh well. All in all, I'm quite pleased that there are as little problems as there are.

Kristy, I may be a bit late to get you at the airport. My first appointment is the 21st, but at 8:40 am. I hope that's ok!!