Friday, October 07, 2005

Have you ever gone to a concert you never thought you would? Monday night Jeannie called and told me there were no movies playing at the dollar theater the next night, so did I want to go to the Nine Inch Nails show instead? I don't really know any of their songs, but I went anyway, and it was fun. There was so much smoke in there too. And more than one kind at that. Every so often one of us would sniff and say, "there's weed over there."

Yesterday I got a phone call from a friend of a friend, inviting me to a bridal shower on Saturday. I didn't even know she was dating anyone. Apparently, they met this past SUMMER and are getting married. I don't know when, I forgot to ask. What is so wrong about GETTING TO KNOW SOMEONE first? I am a firm believer that you need to be together through all 4 seasons before deciding if marriage is in the cards.

I took the day off work today, and went to the doctor instead. I have strep. Again. For the 4th time in 2 years. The doctor is afraid that because I have it so often, that the amoxicillin is not eradicating the bacteria, rather just subduing it for a while. He wants me to come in next week for a throat culture to find out for sure. In the meantime though, I just have to live with the sore muscles, throat burning and skin feeling like half a sunburn, half tickly. It's a strange feeling. He also gave me a cough syrup because I mentioned that I haven't been uncongested for months. It's full of Sudafed, so it will keep me buzzing, but has an antihistimine that will make me sleepy. Bottom line, don't drive while on it.

The other night when I was on the IM, I was talking to my friend Tiffiny. Tiffiny moved to LA not long ago to pursue her screenwriting career. I believe she is working in a talent agency right now. She promised me if she is at a function with Wentworth Miller, she would call me and make him talk to me. I highly doubt it will happen, but it makes for good fantasy fuel, as I said in the Prison Break thread on I had to have her look him up, she had no idea who he was!


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