Saturday, February 04, 2006

Stupid, Pointless Meme.

How much you've changed...Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed since then.


How old were you?: 19.
What school year were you in?: Junior year of college
Where did you go to school?: Westminster College
Where did you work?: Baskin Robbins.
Where did you live?: Downtown SLC.
Where did you hang out?: home, Ashley's, BR
How was your hair style?: Shoulder length and layered.
Did you wear braces?: No.
Did you wear glasses: Sometimes. Sometimes contacts.
Who was your best friend?: Kathy, probably.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Didn't have one.
Who was your celebrity crush?: Uh...don't remember.
Who was your regular-person crush?: don't remember that either.
How many piercings did you have?: Three.
How many tattoos did you have?: Zero.
What was your favorite band?: Don't remember.
What was your worst fear: Working BR for too much longer!
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: No.
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Yes.
Had you driven yet?: Yes


How old are you?: 23
What school year are you in?: N/A.
Where do you go to school?: N/A.
Where do you work? Preschool.
Where do you live?: Suburban SLC.
Where do you hang out?: Home, Jeannie's, Jason's.
How is your hair style?: Same
Do you wear glasses?: Not as often. Mostly contacts.
Do you wear braces?: No.
Who is your best friend?: Jeannie.
Who is your celebrity crush?: Wentworth Miller.
Who is your regular-person crush?: Um...none at the moment.
How many piercings do you have?: Four.
How many tattoos do you have?: Zero .
What is your favorite band?: At the moment, Ellie Lawson.
What is your biggest fear?: Dying alone. Or Bridget Jones style, being eaten by Alsatians.
Have you driven yet?: Yes. Are you kidding me?.
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: No.
Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: Yes.

Can you not tell this was meant for teenagers?