Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sign of the Times

Picture it:

3 little boys, ages 4, 4, and 7, were sitting in the classroom during nap time, giggling, goofing off, etc. I didn't hear the beginning of the conversation, but what I did hear was one of the 4 year olds say something about marriage. The 7 year old calmly said he wouldn't get married until he was grown up, and decided if he wanted to or not. The 4 year old then asked, "Will you marry a boy or a girl?"

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Preschool, stripping, it's all in a days work

I got offered Pole Dancing lessons today. Here's the brochure. It's better than even I can describe.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Normality is relative

Just when I think I've heard all the strange names out there, another parent finds our little school and fills out a registration. We have many children with normal names, most on the border, and yet, inevitably, some weird parent looking for individuality or something stupid, names their child something odd.

Under the catagory of normal I have a Jack, a Katie, a John, a Morgan, a Maya, a Samuel, and a Mark.

On the border are names that though not heard very often, are still recognizable as names: Kenya, Landis, Sullivan, Lela, Felix, Sebastian, and Nadia. Still normal, not overused, but interesting.

(Of course, there are the normal names spelled all weird. Mikaila, that's not a spelling I'm accustomed to. )

Then come the strange ones. How many kids in the world do you think are named Jaxton? Bliss? Posie? Meadow? Amaris? Grafton? And here's the best one I've ever heard: Orion.

Jenn, thank you for naming your daughter Ella!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I found this funny... (Posts 2 and 3)

Epalist: You should ALWAYS name the source...which you conveniently left totally out by including only the text!Here is the real article:Josh Groban New CD "Awake" in Stores on November 7th

kRaZy4MiSsKrEuK: HAHAHAHAHA.. wow look who came out of the wood works to leave another condesending remark.. I dont hear you saying anything on the last thread. Good for you, you got it on google.. I didnt.. I was sent the information... and not by google. You most likely felt so stupid on the last thread, you waited for another to say something.. HAHAAHA take a hint...

Reply on page 2:

allthebestthings: also, who gives a stuffing about the source of the article. I mean christ on a bike, really.

I could really use a bunch of those little rolling laughing smily faces right here.


I know, I'm easily amused. But...with the new album coming out in a few short months, the crazies are going to be out in full force. Brace yourselves...