Saturday, April 30, 2005


I'm going to dinner at Jessie and Jake's tonight. Andrea can't make it since she's working, but I wonder if Eric will go?

(I can see that mental eyeroll Kristy!)

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I realise it takes all kinds, but there really are some that I can live without. Forgive me, but as I spend my day with 20 children, I think I have a few ideas about how to raise them.

Diapers/Toilet Training

Like how I now believe that ones-ies are devil sent. At least for children who wear pants. For crying out loud, if your child is wearing pants, just put a top on them. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to change a diaper when the outfit consists of pants, a shirt or two and a onesie? It's not that easy!

Speaking of diapers, toilet training should begin in earnest at two years. Three years old is too old to be wearing diapers.

I hate pullups. They are just as difficult as a onesie. Except that you have to completely undress the kid to get the new one on, and you have to rip the old one off.

I have a three year old girl who refuses to use the potty, and won't tell me when she's wet. If I don't check her, she can go all day with a 10 pound diaper. I have a barely two year old who uses the toilet about 30% of the time and the rest will ALWAYS tell me when she's wet.

I have one little boy whose father has to be one of the dense-ist man I have ever met. Not only is this poor kid already three and still in diapers, the father never brings diapers to school despite how often I ask him to.

Then there is the mother who fed her son prunes for dinner. No extra information needed here I hope.


The same child who never brings a diaper change nearly never brings lunch to school. The poor kid feels left out because he doesn't get to sit with his friends, instead he is sent to play...alone. Yeah, real fun. On the rare occasion he does bring lunch, he doesn't bring a drink. Half way through the meal, he's thirsty. I have nothing to give him, and his eyes start tearing up after a while. Yesterday I told his ignoranus (yes, I am aware of the spelling) father to make sure he packs a juice box or water bottle in the bag. He looked at me if I were speaking a combination of German and Chinese. Seriously, if he can't afford that, he could at least send along an empty cup for water.

I won't even go into another little girl's parents. Suffice it to say, we have taken it upon ourselves to supply her with a little water bottle, a hairbrush, and often a little something extra to add to her lunch, other than her daily PB&J sandwich.

What is the point of having children if you aren't going to spent time and money on them? If you're dropping your child off at school for 4-8 hours a day, for heaven's sake send them along with diapers (if needed) a change of clothes, and at least one drink!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Weekly update

Kristy's here and we've done and gone nearly everywhere! She arrived on Thursday, and we spent the entire day shopping. Friday was filled with tourist-y stuff, and today is more of Park City! Tonight is a Grobie dinner we Utahns are so famous for and then to the Tavernacle, my favorite bar, tonight. A few of my friends are joining us at the bar. It should be fun.

Somehow though, I hurt my foot. I can barely walk on it. I have it all wrapped up for support, but I still limp and have to walk slowly. I'm not doing that well at not complaining!!

Jeannie ran the Salt Lake Marathon today. Jason and I got up at the unholy hour of 7 on a SATURDAY to cheer her on at the park. It was worth it though, she looked really happy to see us there.

Jenn, we'll try to call you again sometime this weekend; we called last night, but you weren't there!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

5 things blatantly stolen from Heidi

5 things everyone knows about me:
1) I'm a complete anglophile
2) I'm addicted to all things Harry Potter
3) I have a B.A.
4) I hate Washington State
5) I went to both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympics

5 things people may not know about me:
1) I love Harry Potter fanfiction.
2) I never wash my dishes
3) I have the Bloody Lovelies manager's phone number
4) I've slept outdoors at a truckstop
5) When I was little, I could walk on the tips of my toes like a ballerina

5 Songs I LOVE Right Now:
1) Jimmy Eat World-Work
2) Queens of the Stone Age-Little Sister
3) Garbage-Why Do You Love Me?
4) Mr. Brightside-The Killers
5) Norah Jones-Turn Me On

5 Bands people don't expect me to love:
1) Spice Girls (yes. Still love them after all these years)
2) Celine Dion
3) Sex Pistols
4) Def Leppard
5) Kelly Clarkson

5 People I want to meet:
1) Alan Rickman
2) J.K. Rowling
3) Laura Ingalls Wilder
4) John Kerry
5) My husband!!

5 Albums I'd Sleep with if they weren't so inanimate:
1) Def Leppard-Vault
2) The Killers-Hot Fuss
3) Nirvana-Nevermind
4) Green Day-Dookie
5)Josh Groban-Josh Groban

5 Movies I absolutely adore:
1) Steel Magnolias
2) Love Actually
3) Bridget Jones's Diary
4) Titanic
5) What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

5 TV Shows I love:
1) The Simpsons
2) Friends
3) Little House on the Prairie
4) Reba
5) American Idol

5 Bad habits I can't break:
1) reading fanfiction
2) making (and eating) fudge
3) The internet
4) Not using turn signal (I do it in major traffic.)
5) Nail biting

5 Places I'd rather be right now:
1) England
2) Canada
3) France
4) Italy
5) Australia

5 things I absolutely hate:
1) Poorly written fanfics
2) People who walk through the bank drive through lanes
3) Parents who don't send their child to school with extra diapers
4) Children who aren't potty trained by the time they are 3 1/2.
5) People who use all the washers in the community laundry room at once

5 bands I want to see (again):
1) Green Day
2) The Killers
3) Jimmy Eat World
4) Weezer
5) Josh Groban

Friday, April 15, 2005

Today was a nice day. 15 kids, only 2 of them were 2 year olds, and despite the fact that I worked 9 hours and 15 minutes without a break, I'm not completely exhausted. We've started doing projects on Fridays, today it was elephants. They were rather cute, and much easier than those stupid lambs and rabbits we've done the last few weeks. All we had to do was cut them out and glue on the ears. We did them in different colors, let the kids choose the colors of elephants and ears...and that was it. Managed to get all 15 done today.

And now...the weekend. Of course, I have to do a big housecleaning tomorrow as KRISTY ARRIVES IN 5 DAYS!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Blogger is retarded!!

I blogged like 2 weeks ago, and it didn't show up. Today, I go to add another, and there it is, posted twice. Well, kind of. I could see it twice, but it didn't show on the blog itself. Nuts. (see blog below.)

I went to the dentist today...for like the first time in 10 years. Seriously. I had very low expectiations going in. I really thought I would have at least 10 cavities, need all sorts of work done, etc. In reality, there are only 7 to fill, a few that will be watched, but most likely can be reversed with regular floride treatments, and I had rather low tartar build up, thanks to daily flossing. The bad news...I no longer have insurance, so I'll be paying money that I don't have for a very long time. Oh well. All in all, I'm quite pleased that there are as little problems as there are.

Kristy, I may be a bit late to get you at the airport. My first appointment is the 21st, but at 8:40 am. I hope that's ok!!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My sock!!

Two weeks ago, St. Patricks Day, I wore green socks. That weekend I did my laundry in the communal laundry room and when I came back upstairs and folded it, to my dismay, I found I had lost one of them. I went back and checked around the washer and dryer I used, and didn't see it anywhere. I was sad, as they were my only pair of green socks and I had recieved them from a friend. Today, I went down again to do my weekly wash, and there on one of the dryers was my missing sock!!! Two weeks later, I have my sock home again!