Tuesday, March 21, 2006

75 bands

There are supposed to be 75 band names in this picture. I've gotten 36 of them. Anyone see anything I haven't? It's pretty small, even though I posted it as the largest option. If anyone wants to see it bigger, I'll email it to you.

1. Lemonheads
2. Sex Pistols
3. Blind Melon
4. Cowboy Junkies
5. the Dead Kennedys
6. Rolling Stones
7. Smashing Pumpkins
8. Guns N Roses
9. Match Box 20
10. Alice in chains
11. U2
12. Led Zeppelin
13. Radiohead
14. Scissor Sisters
15. Styx
16. Whitesnake
17. Spoon
18. 50 cent
19. Gorillaz
20. The Pixies
21. Madonna
22. Iron Maiden
23. Queen
24. Green Day
25. The Eagles
26. White Zombie
27. Red Hot Chili Peppers
28. Phish
29. The Cars
30. Garbage
31. Jet
32. Eels
33. Embrace
34. Postal Service
35. Rooster
36. Bloc Party

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Here's a commercial for a North Carolina candidate for Congress. This is not a spoof; though it is scary as shit. You need quicktime to see it.


They played this this morning on my morning show.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Diversity, Utah Style

So I went to the Tavernacle last night, followed by Denny's at 1 am. Instead of the regular piano players there were 3 we've never had before. They weren't bad, but they aren't as good as the regulars. Last night must have been Gay and Lesbian night on the town. I don't think I've seen so many same sex makeout sessions since Brokeback landed here. On to Denny's where there were more lesbians, a transvestite, wannabe gangsters, and fat people wearing hooker clothes. I love late night at trashy restaurants!

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm going to Mexico!!

Woohoo! I'm going to Puerto Vallarta this summer! I'm going as a nanny, pretty much, but they paid my airfare and got me my own hotel room that's 100 square feet bigger than my apartment. I'm excited. I've never been there before, and we'll be trading off kid duty, so theoretically, I'll have about half of the time there to myself.

In other news, I'm toying with the idea of a tattoo. I have been for a while actually. If I do, this is what I'd get:

What do you think? Not just the design, the idea in general?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'm in love

I still don't find James Blunt particularly attractive, (despite this picture) but Tears And Rain may be my new favorite song. Download it. Now.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Proclamations of Children

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately, but there is nothing of interest to report! So I just popped in to share some of the gems I've heard from my kids in the past weeks.

3 almost 4 year old girl: "Did you know that the dinosaurs died because they stinked?"

6 year old boy: "I love boys!" (Yes, well, so do I, but I don't make a point of making that public knowledge.)

4 year old boy after hearing a story about leprechauns: "Do you think if I leave some of my pretzels out, a leprechaun will come?"

4 year old girl on hearing about a friend's ear infection: "I think a boy bacteria and a girl bacteria fell in love and had lots of babies and made her ear hurt."

2 year old girl: "Me grow up, and me play basketball!!"

3 year old girl, completely out of the blue: "That's called Mickey Mouse, mmhmmm!"

4 year old girl:L "I'm going to marry Sebastian, but he's going to marry Jack. Jack wants to marry Lela, so we're all going to live together."

Then of course there are the not so funny ones, like when I told this one 4 year old boy to shut the hell up (well, it was more like, "Lucas, please stop talking so much, the other kids are sleeping.") he looked at me and said, "blah, blah blah." Or the nearly 5 year old that exclaimed, "FUCK!" today. He was timed out, and immediately started crying because another kid told on him.

But that's all I got. Sorry my life is so boring!!