Friday, May 27, 2005

"It's like pulling teeth" meaning to that phrase for me!

I had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. You wouldn't know it my looking at me though. No swelling, no bruising, very minimal bleeding. The only thing different is that I can't eat solid food. Percoset is great!! My bottom lip is a bit cut up, because I kept biting it. On pupose. It was completely numb from about 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Everything else thawed out but that. My lower jaw is a little bit sore, but that's it. No pain, nothing. Throw that in the face of everyone who told me what a horrific experience it was!! (i.e. Laura who said having teeth pulled was the most primitive process and they would have to bang away at my jaw, reminicent of the was Tom Hanks pulled a tooth with an ice skate in "Cast Away.")

Jason stopped by around 9:00 pm, and I was telling him about how much medication they had put in me in the chair. When my mom threw in (from another room) how I was giggly and loud and leaning on her hard as she got me home, Jason looked at me and said quietly, "Wonder what that's liked!" He has had quite alot of experience with me in that department. "That's enough out of you!" I whispered back. He laughed.

I slept pretty much fine last night. I went to bed like 11:00 pm...and woke up to very rhythmic gasping coming from the apartment ACROSS THE POOL (about 1:45). "Thaaaaat's nice." I thought. I got up because I tasted a bit of blood on my tongue so I got up to get a teabag. I was almost asleep again (2:20 am) when the girl who lives two doors down from me walked up the stairs like an elephant talking loudly to someone. Nearly asleep again, (2:30ish) about 4 people started talking quite loudly and going in and out of an apartment downstairs. I almost got up to yell through the window to shut the hell up. They left, and I finally got back to sleep. Then woke about 5:45 with my mom calling my name, asking if I was alright. She said I was making noises. Which I don't remember, but anything is possible.

I'm good now, so we're off to Costco, as soon as I get my lazy butt off the computer and into the bathroom!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Phone call from Randy

Phone rings.

Me: hello?

Randy: Hi, is the Richelle?

Me: yes it is.

Randy: hey, this is Randy.

Me: Oh! I totally forgot you were calling! I’m standing in line at Costco right now.

Randy: oh, do you want me to call you back in a few minutes?

Me: yeah, could’ja? I’m so sorry!

Randy: it’s ok! No problem!

Me: Ok, thanks! I’m so sorry!

Randy: don’t worry about it!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? I’ve been waiting for this call for forever now, and when he does I hang up on him? He did call back though, and I had a very nice conversation with a funny, intelligent, and extremely easy to talk to guy. Later that night I IM’d with Jenny and Jessica from the Bloody Lovelies board, and Kristy. One of the formers seemed impressed that Randy didn’t dominate our conversation. He did tell me that our entry was hilarious. That was nice to hear. As was “you’re really easy to talk to, and bright.” Aww!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Strange happenings

- Looks like Josh finally posted. What's it been? At least a year. Then again, some of those previous posts didn't sound like him at all. Neither did this one really. If it weren't for this: "Stephen Sondheim's 75'th birthday celebration" I may not believe he wrote this one either. What is with him and apostraphes in strange places??

- I got a Christmas card in the mail yesterday. It was postmarked December 16, and it was from BETH. Anyone remember Beth? The chick with the Jimmy Choo fetish? I looked at it for a good 5 minutes going, "who the fuck is Beth? I don't know any Beth's" before it dawned on me.

- It's been so bloody hot in my apartment this last week, with the doors and windows open, the lowest it's been is right now...80 degrees. I had to sleep with my fans going, windows open etc, so of course, I wake up the second the sun hits the sky. Today, Saturday, I woke up at 6 am. Yesterday I woke up about the same time, but only because I heard two short knocks on my open bedroom door, reinforcing my belief that I do not live alone.

- I have to go into work today to falsify documents. My school is being relicensed next week, and since I'm certain my boss is on crack, as she is the most disorganized person ever, I have to go in and help her screw with the attendance, the sign in sheets and pull incomplete files to satisfy the auditor. Speaking of which, I should get going.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hee hee

I am worth $1,390,550 on

Huh. I'm pretty pricy. Maybe I should sell myself.

Monday, May 09, 2005


Hmm...a little less liberal than I thought, but not bad overall.

Your Political Profile

Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Do you think these results are because I've lived in three distictly different regions? I have to be general so people understand me?

Your Linguistic Profile:

80% General American English
5% Dixie
5% Midwestern
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee

Friday, May 06, 2005

Sex and Paper Roses

Hit a new bar last night. Actually, I had been there once before, to see the Bloody Lovelies. Andrea and I went to the Cabana Club for a drink (or four) after the University graduation. She and I had planned to hang out but we had forgotten about the ceremony. I had no inclination to go, so she went and came over afterward. Though the bar did allow smoking, it was fun. We got there around 8:30, and sat down at the bar. The bartender was pretty cute, flirtatious as all male bartenders are, and remembered our names. After a gin and tonic, I didn't know what I wanted, so Andrea ordered me a Brain Tumor. Scariest looking shot I have ever seen. It actually looks like a liquory rendition of a brain tumor. Tasted fairly good though. After I did it, the bartender made me a rose out of a napkin for having the courage to try it.

At some point in the evening, we got to talking to the guy sitting next to us. For the next two hours the conversation centered on sex. What women like, why, what men like, why, would we ever be with another woman, why, would it be with someone you knew well, or a stranger and why, etc, etc, etc. Very enlightening really. We talked about pick up lines, past experiences, everything. Both he and the bartender thought the guy that wanted me to smoke crack with him was hilarious. Both said it was the best pick up line ever.

I had to pee so bad by the end of the night. A gin and tonic, a brain tumor shot, a cosmo, a beer, and two glasses of water later, my bladder was so full, I could actually feel it. Honestly, I don't know how I held it until I got home.